11 Oct 2009

Realism vs Formalism

Realism is the name for films shot in a realistic way, with plots that are very everyday and ordinary. Realist films don't use any other type of sound apart from what is going on in the background and dialogue. Realism is an extremely classic style of cinema and does not involve any special effects or non-diegetic sound, although it became popular long before the formalist revolution it is still an extremely credited style of cinema.
An example of a realist film is 'Kes'.

Formalist films always revolve around the plot. Time is nearly always distorted, characters conversations are linked with the plot, shots are purely for adding to the plot. Some people may say that formalist films are more interesting then realist, but realist films might not be that exciting to watch but have underlying issues that can be so much more powerful than a formalist plot. Formalist films have become much more popular within the last decade. Animation has been a large contributer to this.
An example of a classic formalist style film is Harry Potter, in which they mix fictional storylines, special effects and modern life.

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